Music of Origins”: an introduction to prehistoric music
Do you love music? Did you know that this passion for rhythm and melodious sounds dates back to ancient times? Our ancestors also loved music, and Pascal Villesuzanne, guide/lecturer and passionate musician/teacher, is offering workshops to help you learn about prehistoric music!

A workshop for everyone
You don’t need to be a Conservatoire graduate to take part in this introductory workshop to prehistoric music. Pascal will begin by explaining how music came into being. How did we gradually get to grips with rhythm? What do we tap to make sound? And how? He’ll show you and, above all, make you listen.
- And don’t forget another event! Hedi is waiting to introduce you to medieval cooking on the Grande Terrasse during the summer holidays.
After discovering the range of musical instruments from prehistoric times, you too can try your hand at making sounds! As melodious as possible, but let’s not forget that we’re here to have fun! The “Music of Origins” workshop is open to everyone, young and old. In the unique and magical setting of the rock shelters at La Roque Saint-Christophe, you’ll find yourself in the perfect environment to get your groove on and, after just a few minutes’ rehearsal, produce a concerto that’s sure to surprise many a listener!
- Enjoy our workshops all season long: Flintknapping and fire-making: our workshop to find out more about how to cut stone to make tools for work and everyday life, with Nicolas.
When can I take part in the workshop on prehistoric music?
Pascal’s workshops take place during the school holidays. There are no extra charges.
For the spring (Easter) holidays:
Original music activities on Sun 14th April (PM), Mon 15 (AM), Tue 16 (PM), Fri 19 (PM), Mon 22 (AM), Tue 23 (AM), Thu 25 (AM), Fri 26 (PM)
In June :
Pascal’s presence on Wednesdays from 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
During the summer holidays (July and August):
Thursday and Friday from 2.30pm to 6pm
Autumn holidays (All Saints’ Day) :
23-24-26-30 and 31 October 2024 from 14h30 to 17h00